To All Leaders, ICC LGA Chairmen, all other executives herein and our ever gallant comrades.
We want to appreciate God for a great opportunity given to us to see this month of June and We pray that the mercies and favor of the Almighty God never depart from us.
We also appreciate all our teeming comrades who has deemed it fit to be part of this great movement, your commitment, co-operation and untiring support towards the success of this movement cannot be overemphasized. It is a great privilege working with you as your suggestions, opinions and innovative ideas has always kept us moving and is highly appreciated. Without your support and encouragement, there won't be any movement as a tree cannot and will never make a forest hence this is definitely a collective responsibility, we sincerely appreciate you all.
An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity (Martin Luther King Jr)
Today, we have all risen to stand up to be counted as Imolites with a passion for the betterment of our state by ensuring that those in power follow up their responsibility of offering good governance which encompasses full respect of effective participation, human rights, the rule of law, multi-actor partnerships, accountable processes, political pluralism, transparent institutions, efficient and effective public sector, legitimacy, access to knowledge, information and education, political empowerment of people, equity, sustainability, and attitudes and values that foster responsibility, solidarity and tolerance.
Imo State is a great state blessed with abundant human and natural resources to take it to enviable height and make it a rallying point for the South East in particular and the Country in general however, greed and poor leadership has strangulated our growth and has kept the State in a sorry state. We must be sincere that poor leadership is not unique only to the immediate past administration and has been ongoing for a while but we must not dwell in our past but rather we must come together as a force to brainstorm ideas for the future prosperity and progress of our state. Not until we see ourselves as stakeholders in the Imo Project, not until we rise above our narrow confines of individualistic concerns to the broader sense of humanity, not until we rise above our destructive selfishness, our hope and aspirations for a better Imo State will only remain a dream.
We are all prone to judge our success by the index of our salaries and incomes or the size of our automobiles rather than by the quality of our service and relationship to humanity. We all must join together to achieve the desired progress and sustainable development for our dear State.
We say to you today, my fellow comrades, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, we still have a dream, it is a dream deeply rooted in a prosperous Imo State. We have a dream that one day this state will rise up and fulfill its true potential. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our State to a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.
In conclusion, progress has always been an expensive item, history is fit to testify to the fact that progress is rarely gained without sacrifice and self denial. Your sacrificial efforts will continue to help us. Part of our sacrificial effort is ensuring that we all participate in the activities of this movement and make our voices heard.
Note: if you know you are interested in becoming the ICC LGA Chairman in your LGA, kindly send me a private message.
We welcome into our midst our new comrades who joined us few days ago till now, we are looking forward to seeing your active participation and also contributing immensely to the success of this great movement and also we encourage all our members to always participate actively both physically and online towards the progress of this movement, join your respective LGA online platforms so that you can contribute your quota to the success of your chapter and the movement in general.
We also enjoin all our members to register as a bonafied member of this movement, so that we can have the statistical record and necessary information of all members.
This is to also inform all ICC LGA Chairmen that they must hold at least one physical meeting before the ending of this month and all pictures should be posted here for verification and on your respective LGA platforms.
Lastly, we appreciate you all once again for taking your time to read through and we also appreciate you all for your commitment so far.
Thanks and God bless us all.
Good morning and have a hitch free month of June.
Hon. Roland N. Gabriel
ICC State Chairman
Cc: All LGA ICC Chairmen.
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